Wednesday, 23 November 2016
Guilty by association
they say keep your friends close and your enemies even closer but when the "good" guys find your enemy and you close by, surely you'll be found guilty by association...?
Nevertheless God forgives.
Until I was able to identify and confront the infinity irredeemable state of my being, I would always (quietly) believe I was better than someone else. Hence no need to empathise with or forgive those I considered less redeemable than myself, such as: corrupt police, murderers, dictators, bigots, etc blah blah blah. They deserve isolation. But honestly nobody can stoop as low as me... especially if i have a "good" excuse... like the preservation of my life/kid/culture/whatever.
Nevertheless God forgives.
If there is something that you have done and you can't forgive yourself for it, ask God.
1 John1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
Matthew 6:14 For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.
Monday, 21 November 2016
Love Trumps Racism
Racism! was like an Achilles heel. I fell for it, in the past. Some white person calls me nigger and they get my undivided attention. Why? Because I held held a grudge against white people.
Of course, I'd been subtly encouraged and conditioned to hold this grudge. How do you ask? Well, through constant humiliation of black people on TV (Yes Oxfam), legal deaths in police custody, the apparent difficulty in pronouncing my African name, while totally able to learn Chinese in 2016. lol. Indeed, the subtle PR and cultural campaign to slander black (and other) people continues (It;s not one sided, everybody does it). Last point, it's not difficult to find a black man in a western country called James Smith but you be hard pressed to find a white man living in Africa going by the name Babatunde Oyelowo. There's just no exchange culture, only resources.
...was it hard to pronounce that African name? :-) <3
Still, with all that said, I was the person holding onto this grudge against white people (among others) except for my mates who were/are all exceptional. <3
Nevertheless but the grace of Love/God, I am not here on Earth with you to take offence. I'm here to love (i.e., unconditionally empathise and forgive) you, even when you refuse to love me.
Why am i saying all this..? Well, Kanye, in the video tells his audience to stop focusing on racism but doesn't tell them what to focus on instead.
All I can tell you is that Love/God is what released me from my grudges fears and replace them with Love. Now where i held grudges, anger, hatred etc for others, I hold love for ALL people.
Before I sought retribution as part of a wider array of life's compensations, but honestly peeps, seeking Love/God is only fulfilling activity I've ever engaged in.... OK and watching someone try to eat a jam-filled-sugar-coated-donut without licking their lips until the donut is finished.
It is what it is.
Matthew 6:33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
Black Lives Matter / White Lives Matter / All Lives Matter
Ay Sal shared Fox 5 DC's live video.
19 November at 19:18 ·
The inevitable response to #blacklivesmatter.
This was always going to happen. You can't fight abuse with abuse. I'll say it again #alllivesmatter.
The point of the BLM movement was lost on these people. They looked at BLM message are heard "white people don't matter." So now #whitelivesmatter.
I think the BLM movenemt would have been better served by a different slogan like Blacks Lives Afraid.
That would have been a more honest expression.
It's never too late to love your neighbour, i.e., empathise and forgive unconditionally. Your #NeighbourLivesMatter <3
Love your neighbour <3
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Fox 5 DC was live.Like Page
19 November at 18:18 ·
WATCH: “White Lives Matter” protesters were met with counter-protesters when they gathered outside an African American memorial in Austin, Texas.
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2Talha Khan and Patty Di Levrano
Hamza Ahmad
Hamza Ahmad White lives matter now lol ridiculous. Most of us already know all lives matter that doesn't need to be said its already understood. It's not all lives being taken by police brutality with no justice, it's majority black lives that's why the BLM slogan/movement was created from what I understand, it don't really matter what hash tag is created fact of the matter is black lives are being taken and are under constant threat and It's wrong point blank period how there killing black people ontop of the bloody history of white people, so I don't get all this all lives matter and white lives matter bullshit. Exactly what are they protesting about?? What white lives are under threat here?? I don't understand how pointing out black lives matter means any other lives matter less. If white people where being oppressed it would be white lives matter but their not so its black lives matter only for me.
Like · Reply · 2 · 19 November at 20:39
Ay Sal
Ay Sal Dude i don't know what to say bruv, you say you dont know why they are out there chanting #WhiteLivesMatters but this was predictable. I saw this protest coming since July.... meh
Like · Reply · Yesterday at 02:01 · Edited
Yvonne Ekpe
Yvonne Ekpe Well said. Of course all lives matter, there's no debating that but BLM because Black Americans are being 'racially' targeted. They're at this time in history endangered species in America.
Like · Reply · 3 · Yesterday at 08:06 · Edited
Ay Sal
Ay Sal If there were no black people in the USA from tomorrow, by next week the war between the blue and brown eyed people will start to emerge. It's not about black and white is about fear and power. By Gods grace, I am not afraid to die, that fear only serves to endanger myself and my neighbour.
Let's go further, if there were no black people on the face on the earth, there will still be war and man made famine.
Like · Reply · 1 · Yesterday at 09:07
Yvonne Ekpe
Yvonne Ekpe And what's the cause of the fear? Who's allowing there to be fear? I mean I agree that black people can also be racist but that's in response to this deep rooted centuries long marginalisation due to ones skin colour. What's happening now in the US just shows that racism was only suppressed but never ended. I'm not afraid to die either but like it or not I'm very wary whenever I'm in the US. There's now this mistrust of white people even though I might not show it or act out cos of it. I can't help but wonder if the white person smiling at me in public isn't secretly wanting to assault me in some way. Or woild rather not have me in their country just cos i dont fit in skin tone wise. I'm not afraid but I cant help but be distrustful.
Like · Reply · 1 · Yesterday at 09:17 · Edited
Ay Sal
Ay Sal Yvonne, I speak for myself because I can't speak for others - fear is the absence of Love/God (which is unconditional/eternal). If i am afraid it is because I am valuing life (and/or quality of life) over and above Love/God.
I.e., for me Love/God is matters more than life. I'll go so far as to say that the point of life is to be with Love/God.
But when my fleeting life matters more than Love/God, then all I have to contend with is death. When I value life over love, death becomes a disadvantage, the permanent and constant state of disruption and cancellation to the life I value more than anything else. When life is everything, death is the loss of everything. Loss is the absence of value; the inability to find value. Death is to be adrift. Like a lone shipwreck survivor adrift in the middle of an endless ocean. Death is isolation.
So the logical thing to do before isolation (death) is to satisfy every desire my body craves, by any means necessary.
However Love/God is connection, unconditional eternal connection.
Fear is the absence of connection (Love/God).
If i fear something it is often because there is no connection. That's why people fear the unknown, i.e., that with which there is no connection.
I am not afraid of anything that God has made.
Ay Sal shared Fox 5 DC's live video.
19 November at 19:18 ·
The inevitable response to #blacklivesmatter.
This was always going to happen. You can't fight abuse with abuse. I'll say it again #alllivesmatter.
The point of the BLM movement was lost on these people. They looked at BLM message are heard "white people don't matter." So now #whitelivesmatter.
I think the BLM movenemt would have been better served by a different slogan like Blacks Lives Afraid.
That would have been a more honest expression.
It's never too late to love your neighbour, i.e., empathise and forgive unconditionally. Your #NeighbourLivesMatter <3
Love your neighbour <3
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Fox 5 DC was live.Like Page
19 November at 18:18 ·
WATCH: “White Lives Matter” protesters were met with counter-protesters when they gathered outside an African American memorial in Austin, Texas.
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2Talha Khan and Patty Di Levrano
Hamza Ahmad
Hamza Ahmad White lives matter now lol ridiculous. Most of us already know all lives matter that doesn't need to be said its already understood. It's not all lives being taken by police brutality with no justice, it's majority black lives that's why the BLM slogan/movement was created from what I understand, it don't really matter what hash tag is created fact of the matter is black lives are being taken and are under constant threat and It's wrong point blank period how there killing black people ontop of the bloody history of white people, so I don't get all this all lives matter and white lives matter bullshit. Exactly what are they protesting about?? What white lives are under threat here?? I don't understand how pointing out black lives matter means any other lives matter less. If white people where being oppressed it would be white lives matter but their not so its black lives matter only for me.
Like · Reply · 2 · 19 November at 20:39
Ay Sal
Ay Sal Dude i don't know what to say bruv, you say you dont know why they are out there chanting #WhiteLivesMatters but this was predictable. I saw this protest coming since July.... meh
Like · Reply · Yesterday at 02:01 · Edited
Yvonne Ekpe
Yvonne Ekpe Well said. Of course all lives matter, there's no debating that but BLM because Black Americans are being 'racially' targeted. They're at this time in history endangered species in America.
Like · Reply · 3 · Yesterday at 08:06 · Edited
Ay Sal
Ay Sal If there were no black people in the USA from tomorrow, by next week the war between the blue and brown eyed people will start to emerge. It's not about black and white is about fear and power. By Gods grace, I am not afraid to die, that fear only serves to endanger myself and my neighbour.
Let's go further, if there were no black people on the face on the earth, there will still be war and man made famine.
Like · Reply · 1 · Yesterday at 09:07
Yvonne Ekpe
Yvonne Ekpe And what's the cause of the fear? Who's allowing there to be fear? I mean I agree that black people can also be racist but that's in response to this deep rooted centuries long marginalisation due to ones skin colour. What's happening now in the US just shows that racism was only suppressed but never ended. I'm not afraid to die either but like it or not I'm very wary whenever I'm in the US. There's now this mistrust of white people even though I might not show it or act out cos of it. I can't help but wonder if the white person smiling at me in public isn't secretly wanting to assault me in some way. Or woild rather not have me in their country just cos i dont fit in skin tone wise. I'm not afraid but I cant help but be distrustful.
Like · Reply · 1 · Yesterday at 09:17 · Edited
Ay Sal
Ay Sal Yvonne, I speak for myself because I can't speak for others - fear is the absence of Love/God (which is unconditional/eternal). If i am afraid it is because I am valuing life (and/or quality of life) over and above Love/God.
I.e., for me Love/God is matters more than life. I'll go so far as to say that the point of life is to be with Love/God.
But when my fleeting life matters more than Love/God, then all I have to contend with is death. When I value life over love, death becomes a disadvantage, the permanent and constant state of disruption and cancellation to the life I value more than anything else. When life is everything, death is the loss of everything. Loss is the absence of value; the inability to find value. Death is to be adrift. Like a lone shipwreck survivor adrift in the middle of an endless ocean. Death is isolation.
So the logical thing to do before isolation (death) is to satisfy every desire my body craves, by any means necessary.
However Love/God is connection, unconditional eternal connection.
Fear is the absence of connection (Love/God).
If i fear something it is often because there is no connection. That's why people fear the unknown, i.e., that with which there is no connection.
I am not afraid of anything that God has made.
That's what fear is - it's the absence of Love/ God/ connection.
Ay Sal shared Fox 5 DC's live video.
19 November at 19:18 ·
The inevitable response to #blacklivesmatter.
This was always going to happen. You can't fight abuse with abuse. I'll say it again #alllivesmatter.
The point of the BLM movement was lost on these people. They looked at BLM message are heard "white people don't matter." So now #whitelivesmatter.
I think the BLM movenemt would have been better served by a different slogan like Blacks Lives Afraid.
That would have been a more honest expression.
It's never too late to love your neighbour, i.e., empathise and forgive unconditionally. Your #NeighbourLivesMatter <3
Love your neighbour <3
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Fox 5 DC was live.Like Page
19 November at 18:18 ·
WATCH: “White Lives Matter” protesters were met with counter-protesters when they gathered outside an African American memorial in Austin, Texas.
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2Talha Khan and Patty Di Levrano
Hamza Ahmad
Hamza Ahmad White lives matter now lol ridiculous. Most of us already know all lives matter that doesn't need to be said its already understood. It's not all lives being taken by police brutality with no justice, it's majority black lives that's why the BLM slogan/movement was created from what I understand, it don't really matter what hash tag is created fact of the matter is black lives are being taken and are under constant threat and It's wrong point blank period how there killing black people ontop of the bloody history of white people, so I don't get all this all lives matter and white lives matter bullshit. Exactly what are they protesting about?? What white lives are under threat here?? I don't understand how pointing out black lives matter means any other lives matter less. If white people where being oppressed it would be white lives matter but their not so its black lives matter only for me.
Like · Reply · 2 · 19 November at 20:39
Ay Sal
Ay Sal Dude i don't know what to say bruv, you say you dont know why they are out there chanting #WhiteLivesMatters but this was predictable. I saw this protest coming since July.... meh
Like · Reply · Yesterday at 02:01 · Edited
Yvonne Ekpe
Yvonne Ekpe Well said. Of course all lives matter, there's no debating that but BLM because Black Americans are being 'racially' targeted. They're at this time in history endangered species in America.
Like · Reply · 3 · Yesterday at 08:06 · Edited
Ay Sal
Ay Sal If there were no black people in the USA from tomorrow, by next week the war between the blue and brown eyed people will start to emerge. It's not about black and white is about fear and power. By Gods grace, I am not afraid to die, that fear only serves to endanger myself and my neighbour.
Let's go further, if there were no black people on the face on the earth, there will still be war and man made famine.
Like · Reply · 1 · Yesterday at 09:07
Yvonne Ekpe
Yvonne Ekpe And what's the cause of the fear? Who's allowing there to be fear? I mean I agree that black people can also be racist but that's in response to this deep rooted centuries long marginalisation due to ones skin colour. What's happening now in the US just shows that racism was only suppressed but never ended. I'm not afraid to die either but like it or not I'm very wary whenever I'm in the US. There's now this mistrust of white people even though I might not show it or act out cos of it. I can't help but wonder if the white person smiling at me in public isn't secretly wanting to assault me in some way. Or woild rather not have me in their country just cos i dont fit in skin tone wise. I'm not afraid but I cant help but be distrustful.
Like · Reply · 1 · Yesterday at 09:17 · Edited
Ay Sal
Ay Sal Yvonne, I speak for myself because I can't speak for others - fear is the absence of Love/God (which is unconditional/eternal). If i am afraid it is because I am valuing life (and/or quality of life) over and above Love/God.
I.e., for me Love/God is matters more than life. I'll go so far as to say that the point of life is to be with Love/God.
But when my fleeting life matters more than Love/God, then all I have to contend with is death. When I value life over love, death becomes a disadvantage, the permanent and constant state of disruption and cancellation to the life I value more than anything else. When life is everything, death is the loss of everything. Loss is the absence of value; the inability to find value. Death is to be adrift. Like a lone shipwreck survivor adrift in the middle of an endless ocean. Death is isolation.
So the logical thing to do before isolation (death) is to satisfy every desire my body craves, by any means necessary.
However Love/God is connection, unconditional eternal connection.
Fear is the absence of connection (Love/God).
If i fear something it is often because there is no connection. That's why people fear the unknown, i.e., that with which there is no connection.
I am not afraid of anything that God has made.
That's what fear is - it's the absence of Love/ God/ connection.
As for trust, well i trust God. If i see anybody public i smile first and genuinely because i love them they way God loves me (with unconditional empathy and forgiveness) EVEN if they secretly wanting to assault me. I forgive them, for they know not what they do (Luke 23:34Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”[a] And they divided up his clothes by casting lots.)
s for trust, well i trust God. If i see anybody public i smile first and genuinely because i love them they way God loves me (with unconditional empathy and forgiveness) EVEN if they secretly wanting to assault me. I forgive them, for they know not what they do (Luke 23:34Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”[a] And they divided up his clothes by casting lots.)Ay Sal shared Fox 5 DC's live video.
The inevitable response to #blacklivesmatter.
This was always going to happen. You can't fight abuse with abuse. I'll say it again #alllivesmatter.
The point of the BLM movement was lost on these people. They looked at BLM message are heard "white people don't matter." So now #whitelivesmatter.
I think the BLM movenemt would have been better served by a different slogan like Blacks Lives Afraid.
That would have been a more honest expression.
It's never too late to love your neighbour, i.e., empathise and forgive unconditionally. Your #NeighbourLivesMatter <3
Love your neighbour <3
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Fox 5 DC was live.Like Page
WATCH: “White Lives Matter” protesters were met with counter-protesters when they gathered outside an African American memorial in Austin, Texas.
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2Talha and Patty
Hamza White lives matter now lol ridiculous. Most of us already know all lives matter that doesn't need to be said its already understood. It's not all lives being taken by police brutality with no justice, it's majority black lives that's why the BLM slogan/movement was created from what I understand, it don't really matter what hash tag is created fact of the matter is black lives are being taken and are under constant threat and It's wrong point blank period how there killing black people ontop of the bloody history of white people, so I don't get all this all lives matter and white lives matter bullshit. Exactly what are they protesting about?? What white lives are under threat here?? I don't understand how pointing out black lives matter means any other lives matter less. If white people where being oppressed it would be white lives matter but their not so its black lives matter only for me.
Like · Reply · 2 ·
Ay Sal
Ay Sal Dude i don't know what to say bruv, you say you dont know why they are out there chanting #WhiteLivesMatters but this was predictable. I saw this protest coming since July.... meh
Like · Reply · Yesterday at 02:01 · Edited
Yvonne Well said. Of course all lives matter, there's no debating that but BLM because Black Americans are being 'racially' targeted. They're at this time in history endangered species in America.
Like · Reply · 3 · Yesterday at 08:06 · Edited
Ay Sal
Ay Sal If there were no black people in the USA from tomorrow, by next week the war between the blue and brown eyed people will start to emerge. It's not about black and white is about fear and power. By Gods grace, I am not afraid to die, that fear only serves to endanger myself and my neighbour.
Let's go further, if there were no black people on the face on the earth, there will still be war and man made famine.
Like · Reply · 1 · Yesterday at 09:07
Yvonne And what's the cause of the fear? Who's allowing there to be fear? I mean I agree that black people can also be racist but that's in response to this deep rooted centuries long marginalisation due to ones skin colour. What's happening now in the US just shows that racism was only suppressed but never ended. I'm not afraid to die either but like it or not I'm very wary whenever I'm in the US. There's now this mistrust of white people even though I might not show it or act out cos of it. I can't help but wonder if the white person smiling at me in public isn't secretly wanting to assault me in some way. Or woild rather not have me in their country just cos i dont fit in skin tone wise. I'm not afraid but I cant help but be distrustful.
Like · Reply · 1 · Yesterday at 09:17 · Edited
Ay Sal
Ay Sal: Yvonne, I speak for myself because I can't speak for others - fear is the absence of Love/God (which is unconditional/eternal). If i am afraid it is because I am valuing life (and/or quality of life) over and above Love/God.
I.e., for me Love/God is matters more than life. I'll go so far as to say that the point of life is to be with Love/God.
But when my fleeting life matters more than Love/God, then all I have to contend with is death. When I value life over love, death becomes a disadvantage, the permanent and constant state of disruption and cancellation to the life I value more than anything else. When life is everything, death is the loss of everything. Loss is the absence of value; the inability to find value. Death is to be adrift. Like a lone shipwreck survivor adrift in the middle of an endless ocean. Death is isolation.
So the logical thing to do before isolation (death) is to satisfy every desire my body craves, by any means necessary.
However Love/God is connection, unconditional eternal connection.
Fear is the absence of connection (Love/God).
If i fear something it is often because there is no connection. That's why people fear the unknown, i.e., that with which there is no connection.
I am not afraid of anything that God has made.
That's what fear is - it's the absence of Love/ God/ connection.
As for trust, well i trust God. If i see anybody public i smile first and genuinely because i love them they way God loves me (with unconditional empathy and forgiveness) EVEN if they secretly wanting to assault me. I forgive them, for they know not what they do (Luke 23:34Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”[a] And they divided up his clothes by casting lots.)
That's what fear is - it's the absence of Love/ God/ connection.
As for trust, well i trust God. If i see anybody public i smile first and genuinely because i love them they way God loves me (with unconditional empathy and forgiveness) EVEN if they secretly wanting to assault me. I forgive them, for they know not what they do (Luke 23:34Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”[a] And they divided up his clothes by casting lo
Monday, 14 November 2016
Black Mirror - Be Brave and be free
Season 3: Episode 3
This episode of the show by Charlie Brooker is wonderful! If ever i saw a fictional story, in which the solution is to forgive and empathise with unconditionally - this is it.
NO SPOILERS included - this is not a review of the episode.
I always ask every I meet if they can think of anybody, dead or alive, that they cannot empathise with. Most people say Hitler. It's really shocking actually. But sometimes, just sometimes, people say something else...
I always ask people if there they keep any secrets from their friends and family. People often say yes. I don't bother to ask them to share their secrets but I do ask them to think about the reason why they keep those secrets. They don't need to answer... i know they keep the secrets because they are afraid of the consequences to telling the truth!
The consequences maybe that their friends and family can also think of somebody that they cannot empathise with and it might be you.
When you cannot empathise with and forgive unconditionally, people are bound to keep secrets from you in order to prevent you from condemning them. It's exactly the same as when you lie or omit thing from your friends and family... You also are prevent them from condemning you.
Isn't unconditional forgiveness and empathy sweet? That's LOVE my friends. To know that no matter what you have done in your life that there is forgiveness for you and empathy; LOVE <3
I speak for myself when i say there's nothing like it. No Shame.
Do not allow fear to reside in your life anymore.
Repent and be free. This is the only freedom that matters. It doesn't mater if you live in a "democracy," if you are still lying and omitting to the people around you - afraid that they won't love if they eve knew the truth.
John 8:36 New International Version (NIV) So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.
Matthew 6:14-15 For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.
Let me tell you., I know fear and i know love the God. What ever you are afraid of let it go. You were never made to live lie. Think about how you detest those that lie to you.
Be brave and be free. <3
Thursday, 13 October 2016
Racist Fireworks
One firework turns to the other and says "my lights are better than yours but make sure you explode too, so the people below can enjoy the contrast between us... loser!"
Friday, 23 September 2016
A lot of people didn't vote because they assumed everything would be alright, some voted 'leave' because they were tricked into believing they'd "save" the NHS, while others voted remain thinking we can still make things better from within, some people were just short sighted-depressed voters... kicking them while they're down won't lead to a happy outcome. We all make mistakes right? It's nice when someone gives you a chance... especially when you don't even deserve a chance. That's the definition of 'being gracious'. Let's be gracious together! <3
Thursday, 8 September 2016
Don't be afraid of the future
M: Fuck the police.
A: Are you afraid of the future?
M: NO, Fear is the worst enemy.
A: So if you are not afraid of the future, you embrace the future, right? Don't fear the future, embrace it all. The police are here now to be embraced and when you find them in the future, embrace them there too because there is nothing to fear. There's no need to curse that which you do not fear. Practice remembering that.
Tuesday, 6 September 2016
Why I forgive
Allow me to tell you why i forgive.
I have found peace in the concept of forgiveness because, I am by nature an awful person... (ask all my ex-girlfriends - they'll tell you). I am a walking, talking cliche i.e. behind my joyful exterior once lay a lonely, selfish, suspicious, scared individual who/whom rejects people and opportunities constantly. Previously I have rejected the whole world on a daily basis since the moment i understood the concept of death at age 4-5. "Life is meaningless, blah blah..."
The only thing that has ever challenged my negative attitude to life and existence is the idea that (selfish) I can be forgiven for being scornful to my core.
There is no "bad guy" in history worst than myself. With the powers necessary, i'd have been responsible for countless genocides (and all that follows) at differing periods my life. Personally I can judge nobody - for anything - ever - because i know am the boogie man: i am the enemy of life. It's me. Seriously.
There is likely to be other people that share my organic worldview (philosophy), they may be found among our judges, executives, legislators, journalists, next door neighbours and perhaps, just perhaps, voters. I can judge exactly none of them because they are just like me. What i can do however is forgive them as i have been forgiven because i know, forgiveness is the greatest gift someone like (selfish) me desires. As a result i am not afraid of anybody or the future because I already have what i want out of life.
I did not invent the concept of forgiveness nor did i work it out naturally by myself because I am cruel by nature - I know this from experience. I can't take credit for this, I had to learn about forgiveness... That's why i am certain that there is someone out there other than (selfish) me who/whom prepared the this lesson for me, long before i was born, to ensure that i get what i need out of life <3
..and even if the sender of the message is entirely "fictional", i still received the message! It's real. I choose to accept the terms of my forgiveness, which is to turn from my drop my fears and anger, forgive freely (not to be mistaken with condone) and forget the misdeeds of others. That my friend is grace and the reason why i forgive.
Save the White People aka (The White Genocide Project)
Today I spoke to someone who believes that if they do not have a politically enforced opportunity to live in a community inhabited solely by people of the same skin colour as them (white), then those people are being systematically put to death. My new friend believes that people are being "systematically slaughtered" through involuntary coexistence, coupled with (voluntary) procreation with other peoples. He's currently working to form an association of white people to save white people. He calls it The White Genocide Project.
Saturday, 3 September 2016
Black Lives Matter
I haven't been a fan of BLM nevertheless the BLM movement represents people that are scared for their lives and well-being because they are black.
Not all black people are living in fear but many obviously are; and it's not paranoia. Unfortunately there are people out there, for whom, the very existence of black people, challenges their sense of priority in the universe.
I don't apologise for anybody that is living in fear but I do empathise. It doesn't cost me anything to empathise with or forgive my fellow man.
Friday, 26 August 2016
An idea for parents that believe spanking is necessary.
Comic Foreground |
When a child does something "forbidden," the parents could take the beating on behalf of the child. Instead of being the recipient of the beating, the child must simply watch parent take the beating from behind a Comic Foreground (or faceless standee); i.e., the kids will only have to see the the parents face wince in distress from the beating and of course hear the sound of the impact.
So long as the kids are able to understand the, cause and effect, link between their behaviour and their parents pain, they'll know that it's within their power, to privilege their parents, a pain free life.
Because taking a beating isn't a taxing as watching someone you love take a beating for you.
Schools can incorporate this method too, it'll make for an exciting parents evening.
Wednesday, 17 August 2016
Unethical Business
When people are unethical, the business we create will also be unethical, as we create businesses in our own image, minus the ability to love.
Sunday, 14 August 2016
laws are for the cynical and the fearful
when you do not believe in the desire to forgive and show compassion or love, then you form laws or rules for people to live by on pain of organised retribution, i.e., the police, army, death penalty, jail time, fines, restrictions etc...
but for those who believe in love, laws are not necessary because there is no retribution in love or the desire to forgive and show compassion.
but for those who believe in love, laws are not necessary because there is no retribution in love or the desire to forgive and show compassion.
Wednesday, 10 August 2016
Sunday, 7 August 2016
Don't be afraid
Nevertheless do not be afraid of those that would harm you. We are fragile beings and can die any day at all. I can only speak for myself...
What's important is how I live.
For me threats attempt to inspire fear.
Now I do not condone the behaviour of anybody that would exploit or threaten the lives of others but I don't condemn them either. I cannot condemn others because I would be condemning myself. After all, I have exploited and threatened others myself. We are all one right?
So I did it to others because I was afraid of what would happen to me if i didn't do it. Fear permitted me to do perform acts of cruelty to others. So I know what fear does to people and i don't condemn them for it. Instead i share with others the power of love, i.e., unconditional forgiveness and compassion. This is what i desire most from others and so I lead by example and give love to others freely.
It's easy to do to because i value love more than life. Hence I cannot live in fear. Don't be afraid my friend. Be love.
What's important is how I live.
For me threats attempt to inspire fear.
Now I do not condone the behaviour of anybody that would exploit or threaten the lives of others but I don't condemn them either. I cannot condemn others because I would be condemning myself. After all, I have exploited and threatened others myself. We are all one right?
So I did it to others because I was afraid of what would happen to me if i didn't do it. Fear permitted me to do perform acts of cruelty to others. So I know what fear does to people and i don't condemn them for it. Instead i share with others the power of love, i.e., unconditional forgiveness and compassion. This is what i desire most from others and so I lead by example and give love to others freely.
It's easy to do to because i value love more than life. Hence I cannot live in fear. Don't be afraid my friend. Be love.
Saturday, 30 July 2016
"It ain't about black or white cause where human" - 2pac
Bill: If there were no black people on Earth, do you think there would be peace?
Ted: No I think the gingers will be next then brown eyes and so on after they kill the Asians Arabs etc
Bill: and when only "they" are left... will they have peace?
Ted: When only they are left nothing will be left if ever it was to get that far.
Bill: even if it was just two of them remaining, one would be called Cain and the other would be called Abel. It's not about black or white, it's about the fear. It's fear that inspires a man to kill his brother, whether his brother is black or white.
What I appreciate about me
I am unconditionally compassionate and forgiving. Love is more important to me than life. Love inspires all my good decisions. I am almost aware of my fears as they come. I can laugh at myself mercilessly. I am open and radically honest. Exploring my vulnerabilities makes me strong.
Tuesday, 19 July 2016
About Love and I
My definition of unconditional love = unconditional forgiveness + unconditional compassion.
I think this is how parents love their babies; unconditionally. I see no reason to dilute it for my neighbours.
Someone somewhere said: "Try not to confuse attachment with love. Attachment is about fear and dependency, and has more to do with love of self than love of another. Love without attachment is the purest of love, because it isn't about what others can give you because you're empty. It is about what you can give others because you're full."
I can only speak for myself. I always craved love from others; I even valued myself by how much I perceived others loved me. It was akin to determining my value as a person against Facebook likes or followers but with a far more abstract measuring system.
Since then I have come into contact with unconditional Love, that is unconditional forgiveness and compassion. I was feeling extreme anger and fear one particular day and I was angry at a particular group of people. I wanted revenge, I wanted genocide. I had my own final solution - Hitler style. I wanted war in order to foster peace in the world. I became the enemy of all life. I had the desire but I didn't have the opportunity or ability to bring about the death to my perceived enemies. In legal terms I had the mens rea.
Mens rea may be defined as the intention or knowledge of wrongdoing that constitutes part of a crime, as opposed to the action or conduct of the accused.
So I was an act away from becoming a certified mass murderer. It became clear to me that I was was in all honesty capable of and willing to be Guilty and that I was inspired by fear and anger. I was terrified of who I had become and I desired to be Innocent.
I remembered everything; I suddenly had access to all my earliest feelings of fear, anger and hate. I could see how my whole life had been guided by fear, starting with the fear of death.
In the presence of Love, I sought and accepted the unconditional forgiveness and compassion available to me. All the fear ceased, all of it. All the fears I had accumulated in my life were up for grabs. Through fear of being unloved, I kept secrets from everybody, indiscriminately, because I feared being unloved. Secrets of sexual deviance; misogyny, bigotry (of all kinds), involvement with drugs; feuds, jealousy, anger; selfishness, factionalism, envy; alcoholism, polyamory and things like these... not to mention, of course, the whole mens rea for genocide.
In the presence of Love all the fear dissipated. I came clean to Love and myself. Love forgave me and I forgave myself. There was unconditional compassion for me and I felt it for myself too. Once I had these things, they were available for everyone through me. I stopped being afraid of falling out of favour with the world because I have Love in my life.
Sunday, 17 July 2016
Your fears are in fact your prejudice
Your fears are in fact your prejudice, think about it...
The opposite of fear is compassion.
Thursday, 14 July 2016
Boris Johnson's Alleged Article on Africa's Problems
#Repost <Dan> "Urgh, as much as I know this will be true, just the fact that this image is distorted in the slightest makes me naturally see it as bad photoshop/editing."
Nevertheless, even if the article is real, I can't despise the man for saying what he thinks, though I may despise the idea. If you only heard some of the confessions I harbour to this day. lol.
#Repost <Dan> "Urgh, as much as I know this will be true, just the fact that this image is distorted in the slightest makes me naturally see it as bad photoshop/editing."
Nevertheless, even if the article is real, I can't despise the man for saying what he thinks, though I may despise the idea. If you only heard some of the confessions I harbour to this day. lol.
In Johnson's quest for a "better world," this is what he once believed. Maybe he still believes this, maybe not. The point is he's just as flawed as the next guy that is motivated by selfishness (fear).
In his case he is afraid of losing out of Africa's goodies. He doesn't appear to have compassion for the sovereignty of African countries.
It's kinda like the sovereignty of a persons body. He could conceivable make the same argument about rape, i.e., The best fate for her would be if the men scrambled once again in her direction; on the understanding that this time they will not be asked to feel guilty.
He is a man that lives to chase other peoples goodies, regardless of their welfare.
I used to think and act just like him. By the grace of God, I am now a unconditionally forgiving & compassionate. I hope my dear brother Boris Johnson comes to know Gods grace too, i.e., to show compassion to others.
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