Thursday 14 July 2016

Boris Johnson's Alleged Article on Africa's Problems

 <Dan> "Urgh, as much as I know this will be true, just the fact that this image is distorted in the slightest makes me naturally see it as bad photoshop/editing."
Nevertheless, even if the article is real, I can't despise the man for saying what he thinks, though I may despise the idea. If you only heard some of the confessions I harbour to this day. lol.
In Johnson's quest for a "better world," this is what he once believed. Maybe he still believes this, maybe not. The point is he's just as flawed as the next guy that is motivated by selfishness (fear).
In his case he is afraid of losing out of Africa's goodies. He doesn't appear to have compassion for the sovereignty of African countries.
It's kinda like the sovereignty of a persons body. He could conceivable make the same argument about rape, i.e., The best fate for her would be if the men scrambled once again in her direction; on the understanding that this time they will not be asked to feel guilty.
He is a man that lives to chase other peoples goodies, regardless of their welfare.
I used to think and act just like him. By the grace of God, I am now a unconditionally forgiving & compassionate. I hope my dear brother Boris Johnson comes to know Gods grace too, i.e., to show compassion to others.

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