Tuesday 12 July 2016


My suspicion with institutions can be summarised like this... even today looking back, "everything Hitler did was legal," that's another word for justified. That's not because people today approve of what Hitler did (or indeed when he was doing in) but because the justice (institution) system of that day validated the activities in terms of German law. We don't vilify the failures of that justice systems the way we vilify individuals or groups of individuals that were duty bound to follow orders. 

Who in the UK vilifies the individuals that were duty bound to, needlessly, invade Iraq? Institutions have a nasty way of denying us from holding individuals culpability for their actions. We say people are "duty bound" but we mean is "not responsible for their actions."

...but hey, i'm just an amateur commentator, trying, by the grace of God, to view the world with unconditional compassion, which is more than i can say for most news production. They always have a villain, never a corrupt system and never a solution.

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