Sunday 7 August 2016

Don't be afraid

Nevertheless do not be afraid of those that would harm you. We are fragile beings and can die any day at all. I can only speak for myself...

What's important is how I live.

For me threats attempt to inspire fear. 

Now I do not condone the behaviour of anybody that would exploit or threaten the lives of others but I don't condemn them either. I cannot condemn others because I would be condemning myself. After all, I have exploited and threatened others myself.  We are all one right? 

So I did it to others because I was afraid of what would happen to me if i didn't do it. Fear permitted me to do perform acts of cruelty to others. So I know what fear does to people and i don't condemn them for it. Instead i share with others the power of love, i.e., unconditional forgiveness and compassion. This is what i desire most from others and so I lead by example and give love to others freely. 

It's easy to do to because i value love more than life. Hence I cannot live in fear. Don't be afraid my friend. Be love.

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