Monday, 14 November 2016

Black Mirror - Be Brave and be free

Season 3: Episode 3

This episode of the show by Charlie Brooker is wonderful! If ever i saw a fictional story, in which the solution is to forgive and empathise with unconditionally - this is it.

NO SPOILERS included - this is not a review of the episode.

I always ask every I meet if they can think of anybody, dead or alive, that they cannot empathise with. Most people say Hitler. It's really shocking actually. But sometimes, just sometimes, people say something else...

I always ask people if there they keep any secrets from their friends and family. People often say yes. I don't bother to ask them to share their secrets but I do ask them to think about the reason why they keep those secrets. They don't need to answer... i know they keep the secrets because they are afraid of the consequences to telling the truth!

The consequences maybe that their friends and family can also think of somebody that they cannot empathise with and it might be you.

When you cannot empathise with and forgive unconditionally, people are bound to keep secrets from you in order to prevent you from condemning them. It's exactly the same as when you lie or omit thing from your friends and family... You also are prevent them from condemning you.

Isn't unconditional forgiveness and empathy sweet? That's LOVE my friends. To know that no matter what you have done in your life that there is forgiveness for you and empathy; LOVE <3

I speak for myself when i say there's nothing like it. No Shame.

Do not allow fear to reside in your life anymore.

Repent and be free. This is the only freedom that matters. It doesn't mater if you live in a "democracy," if you are still lying and omitting to the people around you - afraid that they won't love if they eve knew the truth.

John 8:36 New International Version (NIV) So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

Matthew 6:14-15 For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

Let me tell you., I know fear and i know love the God. What ever you are afraid of let it go. You were never made to live lie. Think about how you detest those that lie to you.

Be brave and be free. <3

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