Friday 24 February 2017

Facing Reality

Today, Feb 15 2017, while scribbling in my journal, I noticed a man peeping at the paper laying beside me in the waiting area of the train station. Slightly panicked, I quickly told him not to get "too comfy" with it because it's mine.
He says, "I'm just peering, I actually don't like to read the Evening Standard. Too much bad news. It makes me depressed, I avoid picking it up but when it's within peering distance, I can't resist a look."
I says, "well there's no need to be depressed about the news buddy. When I see something awful I pray about it and for the people involved and get on with life stress free."
He says, "well I don't believe in that. I choose to firmly face reality."
I says, "...but you don't face reality. You avoid reading the paper altogether."
The train arrived as I finished speaking and he got on a different carriage sans a copy of the newspaper.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13)

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