Wednesday 10 April 2013

Starting school again from scratch...

Finishing secondary school with good grades, the college accepted me for all the courses I applied for. The day of enrolment came and a friend of the family suggested to my mother that I avoid the college and volunteered to drive me to another college for a better quality education. With a little encouragement from my mother, we set off for an alternative college. An alternative college became 4 or 5 other colleges in London until except the one I had applied for in the first place. All the places for the courses I had chosen were always full. Giving up, we returned to the original institution to find that the courses were now fully booked. No A-level courses were left. There was a computing course with space available, a BTEC National Diploma. It was computing, I liked computers so I took it. I suspect that the entry requirements for this course was lower than I had achieved as almost all my fellow students were recent immigrants to the UK or drug dealers. The teachers were babysitters and the students were cheaters. It was the way to pass. I didn't learn a thing for two years. I have not progressed academically since completing secondary school. There is no way to redress this but to start again from scratch.

Wednesday 3 April 2013

free will

So I figure "free will" is the ability to do anything that is possible. Often crippling past issues weigh people down and prevent them from certain opportunities. Perhaps to exercise free will is to do the unlikely and overcome the effects of past injury, simply with the will to do so.

Thursday 28 March 2013

the wiser they come

I was just listening to Machiavelli's, The Prince, Chapter 3. The reader said something about wise men. I thought of my old Pastor. He seemed pretty clever when he spoke to the congregation and gave advice. He is pretty well educated and erudite but I wonder if he, like other wise people, are just privy to more honesty from people. A lot of people are similar so when many people talk to someone they respect in such am emotionally intimate way, they are likely to be more honest about their hopes need and fears. How many people get to hear about what's really going on in the lives of others. Pastors and various other social go to people get their smarts from the very people that approach them for help. Stands to reason, that if you know more about the private lives of people you will be wiser.
I just went full circle.